About “Thoracic and Respiratory Oncology”


Inhale the promise of a future where lung cancer and respiratory malignancies no longer steal the rhythm of life. Exhale the uncertainty, for Thoracic and Respiratory Oncology stands at the forefront of the battle against these formidable foes. We are a community of leading clinicians, researchers, and innovators, united by a single, resolute breath: to illuminate the path toward a world where every chest cavity resounds with the vibrant echo of health.

Mission and Vision

Mission: Our mission is to champion groundbreaking advancements in thoracic and respiratory oncology. We seek to be the preeminent platform for cutting-edge research, disseminating transformative discoveries, and fostering collaborations that ignite progress in cancer prevention, detection, and treatment.

Vision: Our vision is to orchestrate a symphony of knowledge, where diverse voices join in harmony to compose a future free from the discordant notes of thoracic and respiratory malignancies. We envision a world where early detection reigns supreme, personalized medicine becomes the leitmotif, and novel therapies rise to crescendo, silencing the fear and despair that once echoed in the hearts of patients and families.

Scope of the Journal

Thoracic and Respiratory Oncology embraces the dynamic interplay between respiratory health and cancer. We welcome groundbreaking research encompassing a diverse spectrum of topics, including:

Lung cancer: Delving into the molecular and cellular mechanisms driving lung cancer initiation, progression, and metastasis.

Esophageal cancer: Unraveling the complexities of esophageal carcinogenesis and exploring innovative treatment strategies.

Pleural and mediastinal tumors: Deciphering the unique challenges of these rare neoplasms and developing effective therapeutic approaches.

Early detection and screening: Advancing technologies and biomarkers for accurate and timely diagnosis of thoracic and respiratory malignancies.

Surgical and ablative therapies: Optimizing minimally invasive and effective surgical techniques for thoracic and esophageal cancers.

Targeted therapies and immunotherapy: Unveiling novel therapeutic options tailored to specific tumor genotypes and leveraging the power of the immune system for cancer eradication.

Radiotherapy and radiation oncology: Refining radiation therapy protocols for effective tumor control while minimizing side effects.

Palliative care and survivorship: Addressing the physical, emotional, and social needs of patients living with thoracic and respiratory cancer, from diagnosis to survivorship.

Epidemiology and social impact: Understanding the global burden of these malignancies and developing strategies to reduce their incidence and mortality.

This is not an exhaustive list, and we encourage submissions that push the boundaries of knowledge and explore new avenues in thoracic and respiratory oncology research.

For Authors

Thoracic and Respiratory Oncology provides a platform for researchers to share their groundbreaking findings with a global audience. We welcome original research articles, reviews, case reports, and editorials that adhere to the highest scientific standards. Our rigorous peer-review process ensures the quality and relevance of published content. For detailed submission guidelines and information on our online submission portal, please visit our website.

For Readers

Stay ahead of the curve with Thoracic and Respiratory Oncology. Subscribe to our journal and gain access to the latest research advancements, expert insights, and practical applications in the field. Whether you are a researcher, clinician, healthcare professional, or someone with a vested interest in respiratory health, our content is designed to inform, inspire, and empower you.

Contact and Subscription Information:

For any inquiries regarding the journal, please contact us at info@peertechz.com for subscription options and pricing information, please visit our website at www.peertechzpublications.us

Related Research Fields for Paper Submission

To guide authors and readers, we have compiled a comprehensive list of 150 specific research fields related to our journal's scope, covering a wide range of thoracic and respiratory oncology topics. This list, available on our website, serves as a valuable resource for identifying potential areas for submission and staying updated on the latest trends in the field.